Consultation goes contactless!


The Government has passed legislation enabling councils reinstate committees using virtual technology. MHCLG is strongly encouraging them to continue planning and plan making processes.

The development industry has already begun rallying around to ensure the effective promotion of sites can continue.

At Chelgate Local, we have assembled a package that enables consultation to be undertaken without any face-to-face engagement. These are in accordance with local authority requirements to maximise outreach into the community and to engage hard-to-reach groups.

A combination of direct mail and online channels will be used including:

  • Direct mail Increasing detail and frequency of materials delivered to residents’ homes.
  • Response Providing more channels for responses
  • Social media Programme of additional posting throughout a consultation period including targeted Facebook and Twitter advertising
  • Existing networks Further utilisation of existing networks to ensure maximum outreach into the community.
  • Media Increased collaboration with the local media.

Having attracted residents to take part in the consultation, we will ensure the information provided is as detailed and accessible as possible. It will also be more interactive with visitors not only able to ask questions, register for updates and provide feedback, but also using a variety of other features such as message boards, live sessions, video podcasts, live chat, call back, surveys and support buttons.

Get in touch

If you want to get more details about our new engagement package please get in touch with Mike Hardware on 020 7939 7989 or

