North London Waste Authority: recycling and waste-to-energy projects

Waste to EnergyFollowing a competitive tender, Chelgate was selected to handle communications for North London Waste Authority (NLWA) surrounding the need to increase recycling rates to 50 per cent by 2030, and the procurement of one, possibly two, waste to energy plants in north London, potentially one at Pinkham Way in Haringey, and the other to replace the existing incinerator in Edmonton.

NLWA covers the seven north London boroughs and required an integrated programme of promoting the need to increase waste recycling and recovery rates, and the need for the new facilities. Activities included:

  • Integrated waste and recycling programme
  • Strategy and programme development, stakeholder mapping
  • Brand development and implementation
  • Advertising
  • Sentiment monitoring using Symfonix
  • Extensive market research and benchmarking
  • New website, online marketing and newsletters
  • Media relations and social media
  • Briefing local councillors and Members of Parliament
  • More than 20 road shows running over six months at local events and local shopping centres
  • Directly engaging with opposition groups and local residents both face-to-face and via social media.